The Elneri Foundation is comprised of six members, five male and one female, which is decidely estrogen deficient, however genetic research has not yet advanced to the level required to apply affirmative action to familial situations.
The Elneri Foundation is comprised of six members, five male and one female, which is decidely estrogen deficient, however genetic research has not yet advanced to the level required to apply affirmative action to familial situations.
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite food: Daddy's homemade bread
Quirks: Firmly believes that lemurs have no place in one's home.
Ander is named in honor of Hubby's great-uncle Anders, who convinced his brother to immigrate to America instead of joining the Norweigan Navy-the family is here because of him :). Although his name was Anders, with an 's', Hubby has always heard/read of him referred as 'Uncle Ander', so that is the form he wished to use.
James was chosen by his mother because she thought it sounded nice with Ander and afforded the possible future nickname of AJ (Hubby insists he not be called AJ or Andy, however), and it has always seemed a strong name.
Chase is an addition made after the birth. In the two weeks Sara was on bedrest at the hospital the nurses were extremely supportive, professional, and caring. Once each shift (every 8 hours) they would need to hook Sara up to a machine for one hour to check for contractions and monitor the baby's heart rate to make sure he is reacting as he should. However the little rascal often proved elusive and the nurses had a difficult time finding where to place the monitor, and when they did, he would often shift just as they left the room, forcing them to 'chase' him around the womb, and sometimes to sit there for 20-60 minutes holding the monitor in exactly the right spot, or having Sara do so.
One night, after an especially trying time (three nurses tried without success to find a steady heartbeat) one of the nurses declared that from now on the child would be called "Chase". Sometimes names just "fit". After Ander was born Sara and Randy discussed it and agreed that adding on the name "Chase" as a second middle name would be a wonderful way to remember this experience and to show appreciation for the nurses who have kept Sara from going crazy after two weeks of enforced bedrest. Ander will always have a humorous story to tell. :)
I am Ander. Hear me roar! Rahr.
Ander is the youngest of the Jacobson clan. A sweet nature and ready smile bely the cunning intellect of this brunette bravo. His ability to infiltrate your heart is legendary, and if you are not careful, he'll leave you cooing at his cuteness while he steals cookies right under your nose.
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Hot Dogs
Quirks: Takes bubble baths every morning.
Ian was named after Ian Flemming, a man who was the very image of the playboy he wrote about in his James Bond novels. Late in life he discovered how empty his life had been and redeemed himself and in later years penned the children's book Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Ian Jacobson's middle name is in honor of his uncle Edward, a man who also has been known for his rakish demeanor, but holds a heart of gold within.
Ian is a child determined to achieve his goals. Honesty runs strongly in this child and he'll often be found to repeatedly ask permission to do something he knows he shouldn't be doing. least he does ask.
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Anything with tomato sauce
It had been raining for two weeks straight and we could not decide on a name. Finally Sara's brother Dan said 'Just name him Noah', and it stuck. Daniel was chosen as a middle name to honor him.
We did not know at the time how popular the name Noah had become.
Noah's red hair and freckles give everyone pause as they exclaim on his uniqueness. He's also ambidextrous, at least for now. He has amazing talent for drawing, a skill his parents encourage him to develop.
A very even-tempered child despite his hair color, Noah only shows signs of the infamous temper in the morning-best let him sleep.
Favorite color: Green
Favorite food: Broccoli
Quirks: Never mention squirrels to him. Just trust me on that.
Kenny is the eldest grandchild on his mother's side of the family and gave his maternal grandfather a special gift when he entered the world; he was born on Grandpa's birthday. He is named Kenneth in honor of his birthday-twin, and shares the middle name Anthony with his father and paternal grandfather, Leroy Anthony.
The eldest of the four sons, Kenny has the heady title of '#1 son'. His parents try not to put the 'eldest child' weight upon his young shoulders and let him enjoy being a kid.
Kenny is an avid reader, often reading books more often seen in the hands of children five years older. His current interests include Harry Potter and Lemony Snicket.
Favorite color: Deep purple
Favorite food: Stroopwaffels
Quirks: Bursts into song at odd moments.
Sara has played the internet MUD game Ragnarok for over ten years. For most of that time she has also been a wizard, contributing to the games code base, releasing two realms and several subrealms and quests.
Sara shows her humor by having a tombstone for her wizard character, Elwing, in the graveyard in Champlin, one of her realms. The epitath reads: Here lies Elwing; she coded her own demise.
The last five years have been spent as a member of the MUD administration, with the core lib programming as her area of expertise. Last year she was promoted to DemiGoddess as recognition of her years of work.
Sara is the beautiful wife of Randy and mother to their four sons. She is an avid reader, mudder, and enjoys geocaching in her free time.
Sara freelances as a web designer with her company, NotGoddess Designs (shameless plug).
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Chili
Randy is a difficult subject to photograph. The image at left is one of the few where his face can be clearly seen. Some say he bears a resemblance to Kid Rock. Of course his wife has always claimed he looks more like Willie Nelson. You decide.
Randy is a handsome fellow with a wicked sense of humor. He shows his character in his loving attention to his wife and children.
He also bakes the most wonderful homemade bread.
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